Legal notice
This legal notice includes the general conditions that regulate the access and use of the site, (hereinafter, the “Website”), which LANZAL makes freely available to Internet users.
In accordance with Law 34/2002 of 11 July on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that this website is owned by the following company:
- GALFRIO, S.A. (en adelante, GALFRIO).
- Zona De Servicios Del Puerto De Marin – Estribela 36.910 Pontevedra
- CIF: A36044980
- E-mail:
- Telephone: 986 890 000
- Registration data: Registro Mercantil de Pontevedra, Folio 144, Libro 562 de sociedades, inscripción 1ª, Hoja 7817
The use of the Website implies the unreserved acceptance of all these Terms of Use. If you do not agree with these terms, you must not use this website.
GALFRIO may unilaterally and without prior notice modify, whenever it deems it appropriate, the structure and design of the Website, as well as modify or eliminate the services, the contents and the conditions of access and / or use thereof.
Through the website, GALFRIO offers Users the possibility of knowing the company, its products and services. This legal notice regulates access, navigation and use of this website.
All the contents included in the Website and, in particular, the brands, trade names, industrial designs, designs, texts, photographs, graphics, logos, icons, software and any other signs or elements susceptible to industrial and / or commercial use are protected by the industrial and intellectual property rights of GALFRIOor of third party owners who have authorized their inclusion on the Website. Therefore, any use and / or reproduction of such brands, trade names, industrial designs, designs, texts, photographs, graphics, logos, icons, software and other signs or elements susceptible to industrial and / or commercial use is expressly prohibited. , without the express and written consent of GALFRIO.
GALFRIO will not be responsible for the infringement of the intellectual or industrial property rights corresponding to third parties that may arise from the inclusion on the Website of brands, trade names, industrial designs, designs, texts, photographs, graphics, logos, icons, software and any other signs or elements susceptible to industrial and / or commercial use belonging to third parties who have declared to be the owners of such items and authorized their inclusion on the Website.
In no case shall it be implied that the User’s access to the Website and the navigation through it may entail waiver, transmission, or total or partial transfer of the aforementioned rights by the owner of the Website or the corresponding owners, nor the concession of any right, expectation of right, or any authorization to alter, transform, exploit, reproduce, distribute or publicly communicate the contents included in the Website, whose alteration, transformation, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication will require, in every case, the prior and express written authorization of GALFRIO or the corresponding owners.
GALFRIO will not be responsible for the content of the destination web pages that are established through links on the Web Page, nor for any infringements of rights of third parties that said pages may incur in.
GALFRIO is not responsible, in any case, for damages of any nature that use of the Website may cause, by way of example: errors or omissions in the content, lack of availability of the portal, correct display, or the transmission of viruses or programs malicious or harmful in the contents, despite having adopted all the necessary technological measures to avoid it.
The user undertakes to make correct use of the Website in accordance with the Law and with these conditions. The user will be liable towards the owner of the Website and third parties for any damages that the breach of this obligation may cause.
Access to this Website is free. Its contents are purely informative and its sole purpose is to show clients and users of the Website corporate information about GALFRIO and its products and services.
- due to the quality of the information: access to the website does not imply an obligation on the part of GALFRIO to verify the veracity, accuracy and timeliness of the information provided.
- for the quality of service: access to the website does not imply an obligation on the part of GALFRIO to control the absence of viruses and / or any harmful component on the website or server that supplies it. in any case, the user is responsible for the availability of adequate technical security tools for the detection and disinfection of harmful computer programs.
- due to the availability of the service: GALFRIO does not guarantee nor is it responsible for the continuity of the contents of the website. consequently, the services provided through this portal may be suspended or canceled at any time by the owner of the same, not being responsible for the damages caused to third parties.
The relationships established between the User and the owner of the Website will be governed by the provisions of the current regulations of the Spanish legal system regarding applicable law and competent jurisdiction.
In Vigo, May 1, 2021.